Its been a while since I equipped and configured ports on a couple of these. I need to add a couple of non-channelized 40GE qsfps
and although I have this set, with 1 of these: QSFP+40GE-LX4, the h/w does not show up.
set chassis fpc 1 pic 0 port 4 speed 40g
I know on some platforms an FPC reboot is required with certain ports / port group changes.
Its not simple to reboot the FPC due to other services. When I say reboot, can anyone chime in on preferred solution ?
request chassis fpc slot 1 offline ; then online to reboot card.
Since its only this PIC, might this work as well :request chassis pic pic-slot 0 fpc-slot 1 offline
Chassis JN126D26AJCB EX9253
Midplane REV 04 750-081492 CAPA7041 Midplane 2
Routing Engine 0 BUILTIN BUILTIN EX9253-RE
Routing Engine 1 BUILTIN BUILTIN EX9253-RE
CB 0 REV 09 750-081493 CANP2090 Control Board
Mezz REV 16 711-066896 CANL4739 Control Mezz Board
CB 1 REV 09 750-081493 CANE6597 Control Board
Mezz REV 16 711-066896 CANG1539 Control Mezz Board
FPC 1 REV 05 750-081494 CANP7207 LC2103
Xcvr 0 REV 02 740-056705 1AMP244609B QSFP+40GE-LX4
Xcvr 2 REV 01 740-054053 QJ5100J3 QSFP+-4X10G-SR
Xcvr 3 REV 01 740-054053 QJ51010Y QSFP+-4X10G-SR
PIC 1 REV 02 750-081496 CALH6476 MIC1
Xcvr 0 REV 02 740-056705 1AMP244609J QSFP+40GE-LX4
Xcvr 1 REV 01 740-045627 QJ1600XU 40GBASE eSR4
Xcvr 2 REV 01 740-045627 QJ1600VT 40GBASE eSR4
Model: ex9253
Family: junos
Junos: 21.4R3-S6.5
any feedback is appreciated, Michael B