I probably can't speak to the exact issue you mention about lmic testing when one fails, etc.... but I've heard through my account team, MX304 - 24.4R1 - fixes lmic oir (hot swap) issues
Last year I recall having an LMIC issue during lab demo testing, but I don't recall the specifics. Fast forward, we've bought (6) MX304's and have deployed them in remote locations. They have ran nicely.... with one exception... one of them went down in december... I swapped a on-site spare RE... and all has been good since then. JTAC thinks it's a transient issue since the problem RE was placed in the on-site spare mx304 chassis and has been fine since then.
again, I don't think this helps you with your issue exactly, but thought i'd share some mx304-info
Original Message:
Sent: 01-30-2025 10:16
From: WalkerSteve
Subject: MX304 LMIC Failure in Dual LMIC and Dual RE Box
@Olivier Benghozi...appreciate the reply but i'm not looking for how to go about replacing/installing an LMIC, but rather what has been peoples experiences when an LMIC fails in an MX304 that has dual LMICs installed. If the LMIC in pic/mic slot 0 fails, does the LMIC in pic/mic slot 1 continue to function? Or is the behavior of a failed LMIC the same as it is when you NON-gracefully remove(hot-remove) the LMIC, which is not supported?
In other words, how are people testing the behavior of a failed LMIC in their testing/validating of the MX304?
(NOTE: i'm already talking with numerous folks w/in Juniper about this, just curious what the field is seeing)
Original Message:
Sent: 01-30-2025 09:19
From: Olivier Benghozi
Subject: MX304 LMIC Failure in Dual LMIC and Dual RE Box
Documentation is here: Maintain MX304 Interface Modules
And it says:
Remove an MX304 LMIC
Issue the following CLI command to take the FPC offline:
user@host>request chassis fpc slot 0 offline
Note: All LMICs lose service.
Install an MX304 LMIC
Note: If you are installing one LMIC, we recommend you to plug it in the LMIC0 slot If you are installing two LMICs, we recommend you use slots LMIC0 and LMIC1.
To bring the LMIC online, issue the following command:
user@host>request chassis fpc slot 0 restart
Note: All LMICs restart.
So it looks like all the LMIC are at the same virtual slot 0 and they are all on or off.
Olivier Benghozi
Original Message:
Sent: 01-29-2025 16:39
From: WalkerSteve
Subject: MX304 LMIC Failure in Dual LMIC and Dual RE Box
Looking for a little insight to a failure situation on an MX304 that has redundant RE's and LMICs. Has anyone experienced an actual LMIC failure?? If so, what happened with the other LMIC? Did it stay online? Did the FPC restart before services were restored?? Any insight would be appreciated from real world experiences....