No. There's no local port: there's a LAG, and it's either up or down. If it's an LACP LAG then it's down as long as the LACP partner is dead. This is expected and allows to avoid an «up» port when the partner is dead but the port is physically up (which can happen with poor intermediate transmission systems).
In older Cisco switches you might have something different, but in Cisco routers this works similarly.
Olivier Benghozi
Original Message:
Sent: 08-19-2024 21:42
Subject: LACP Link Behaviour - Remote port stops sending LACP packets.
Hi All,
Long story short, our EX switches are running on old JunOS ver 12.3R10.2 and we're replacing some of them with non-Juniper switches (unfortunately doesn't support any similar to Virtual-Chassis ports).
I'm just wondering what the switchport behaviour is on EX JunOS platform - in scenario that LACP Agg. is configured on local trunk ports but remote trunk ports LACP configuration gets removed.
Does the local port still forward traffic as an independent trunk port or does the configured trunk port on local side get shutdown if LACP packets are not detected?
I know on Cisco IOS-XE, the behaviour is to still forward traffic as independent trunk port, so wondering if it's the same on JunOS EX platform?
Thanks in advance!