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Juniper vSRX HA OS upgrades from 21R to new stable version (vSRX is on IBM Cloud Portal)

  • 1.  Juniper vSRX HA OS upgrades from 21R to new stable version (vSRX is on IBM Cloud Portal)

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 09-19-2024 01:15
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hi Juniper Team,

    I would like to upgrade the Juniper vSRX HA from 21R to a newer stable version (the vSRX is on IBM Cloud Portal). Could you please help me by answering the following questions?

    1. What considerations should be taken for juniper/ibm account before performing the upgrade?
    2. What are the possible methods for upgrading the OS (patch) of vSRX?
    3. Will the current configuration of Juniper be preserved during the upgrade, or is there any risk of it being destroyed, removed, or lost?
    4. Which new version is stable and fully compatible with all current Juniper configurations (e.g., VPN, SSL VPN, NAT [SNAT, DNAT], IPS/IDS, Routing Protocols, etc.)?

    Please attach any relevant documents and configurations with your answers. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.