Training and Certification

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How to get the most from Juniper's education services and get advice on your certification journey.
  • 1.  Juniper Associate and Specialist - Plaque Certification

    Posted 11-17-2024 19:53

    Hi Everyone, 

    How can i get the Juniper Plaque Certifications ?

    Thanks in advance


  • 2.  RE: Juniper Associate and Specialist - Plaque Certification

    Posted 11-18-2024 03:39

    Hi Saran, 

    I believe that you get the plaque once you pass a JNCIE certification, however the certification team maybe able to advise a concrete answer on this for you. 

    Ethan Jackson / ETH4N3T

    I am a Juniper employee, but all opinions are my own.

  • 3.  RE: Juniper Associate and Specialist - Plaque Certification

    Posted 11-18-2024 17:26

    Hi Saran,

    Please reach out to the certification team at or open a Zendesk ticket. 


    Avnika Malhotra