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  • 1.  J-Web is not supported on this device model (EX4400-48F)

    Posted 05-23-2023 11:38

    VC with version 21.4R3-S3.4 (upgraded from 21.2R3.8), device model:
    ex4400-48f - master
    ex4400-48p - backup

    web interface configuration:
    set system services web-management http
    set system services web-management https system-generated-certificate

    Accessing the web interface it shows:

    Can't find any usefull information about this problem, looks like a bug to me.

    Some tip?


  • 2.  RE: J-Web is not supported on this device model (EX4400-48F)

    Posted 05-23-2023 14:30

    You may need to upgrade and install the JWEB app bundle.  It is there for the EX4400 on latest code on the download page.

    David Divins