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  • 1.  Interpretation of Screen Shot

    Posted 08-29-2024 12:38

    On the screenshot below is the IF St0.0 the remote side tunnel interface?

    Session ID: 4294995713, Policy name: BRIC-Apps-Servers/6, HA State: Stand-alone, Timeout: 20, Valid
      In: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: st0.0, Pkts: 2, Bytes: 104,
      Out: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/4.0, Pkts: 2, Bytes: 104,

    The reason I ask is because I have a SRX with multiple tunnel interfaces that are unnumbered and for this client the local interface is st0.4

    I migrated yesterday from a old SSG5 to a SRX300 and some traffic seems to be working and some is not working.

    In this case the customer indicates they are not getting the web page back. 

    Paul Andreozzi

  • 2.  RE: Interpretation of Screen Shot
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-01-2024 20:05

    Your reading is correct, the SRX is seeing st0.0 as the interface source.

    Check the routing table to confirm where is pointed, likely to the st0.0 interface.  Security policy in/out are directed based on routing table interfaces.

    One possible issue is that the route that should direct to st0.4 is pointed to st0.0 instead.  Which would also explain by the verified reply packets are not reaching the desired destination.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: Interpretation of Screen Shot

    Posted 09-03-2024 12:18

    I appreciate the feedback from everyone as always.  My issue is resolved at this time. This was due to unnumbered tunnel interfaces and that on the old SSG5 all the tunnels were able to terminate on st0 using a pointer to the loopback address on the old technology. On the SRX this is not possible to reference the loopback address from the tunnel interface.  The options are very simple either place a IP on your st0 unit 0 and use that or have multiple st0 unit (whaterever) to allow multiple tunnels. This option requires more specific routes to each tunnel for the remote clients.

    Paul Andreozzi

  • 4.  RE: Interpretation of Screen Shot

    Posted 09-05-2024 10:08

    Is this hub-spoke topology and the configuration is taken from hub firewall? If that is the case, then maybe you should try to add multipoint under st0.0 and assign proper IP to this unit, so that remote spokes could be terminated on this st0.0 without issues?
