Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 16:39
From: Olivier Benghozi
Subject: EX4600 cluster reboots if a VPC QSFP is disconnected
Latest, but which latest one? :)
Olivier Benghozi
Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 03:23
From: baldwizard
Subject: EX4600 cluster reboots if a VPC QSFP is disconnected
I'm running the latest version of JunOS.
Would this help?
set chassis no-split-detection
(I haven't set that.) Is that applicable to a 2RE/1LC scenario?
Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 03:08
From: HarryC
Subject: EX4600 cluster reboots if a VPC QSFP is disconnected
Not something we have seen before, are you on the current Junos recommended version? Also it seems you have the VC set in Mixed mode, but with only EX4600s.
I Would raise this with JTac with the logs and they should be able to tell you why
Original Message:
Sent: 01-05-2025 19:05
From: baldwizard
Subject: EX4600 cluster reboots if a VPC QSFP is disconnected
I've just put in place a 3 switch EX4600 cluster and to get it to behave they way I wanted I went with declaring the members as preprovisioned.
virtual-chassis {
member 0 {
role routing-engine;
serial-number TC3700000000;
member 2 {
role line-card;
serial-number TC3700000002;
member 1 {
role routing-engine;
serial-number TC3700000001;
Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 59fc.0000.0000
Virtual Chassis Mode: Mixed
Mstr Mixed Route Neighbor List
Member ID Status Serial No Model prio Role Mode Mode ID Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt TC3700000000 ex4600-40f 129 Master* Y VC 2 vcp-255/0/24
1 vcp-255/0/25
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt TC3700000001 ex4600-40f 129 Backup Y VC 2 vcp-255/0/24
0 vcp-255/0/25
2 (FPC 2) Prsnt TC3700000002 ex4600-40f 0 Linecard Y VC 1 vcp-255/0/24
0 vcp-255/0/25
Which is all fine, except that if I unplug any of the 40G QSFPs in ports 24 or 25, the entire cluster shuts down and reboots. How do I stop that?
At this point, I haven't added the "set no-split-detection".