Hi All!
Could you please advise regarding not working J-Web.
For some reason J-Web stopped working returning Access Error: 502 -- Bad Gateway
Downgrading/Upgrading Junos and corresponding J-Web app does not help.
The current software versions are:
show system software | match web
jweb-ex-arm-32-20240713.013132_builder_junos_214_r3_s8 -- jweb ex
jweb-ex-app-common-21.4A2.3 -- jweb ex app
No any errors in messages/httpd logs.
Both http and https are not working.
Please find some useful info below.
show configuration system services web-management
https {
ps ax | grep http
31497 - I 0:00.25 /usr/sbin/httpd-gk -N
33513 - I 0:00.57 /packages/mnt/jweb-ex-cd86d86b/usr/sbin/httpd --config
Thank you!
Alex Kabachok