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  • 1.  EX2200-48P-4G not passing traffic

    Posted 07-23-2024 08:53

    Hi everyone

    I just received in test two EX2200-48P-4G.

    The problem is that traffic isn't flowing in the switch. I resetted the switch and updated to latest Junos 12.3R12.4 I found for this switch, gained access to the webpage, tried to configure another VLAN (which I set up as access VLAN on all ports) but still the traffic is not flowing. Other than that, the ports, even if I plug a cable and the led blinks, stays in "admin up, operational down" status. They provide PoE too, but the status remains this.

    How can I have the traffic flowing? How can I have the switch recognizing operational status up for the ports?

    Thank you

    Alessandro Fellin

  • 2.  RE: EX2200-48P-4G not passing traffic

    Posted 07-23-2024 12:04

    If you want to troubleshoot a specific port and connection we would need to see the related configuration stanzas and results of the operational commands for the connected interfaces during the test.

    If you are trying to get started from scratch on a switch, I would load the factory default configuration and set the root password on the cli.   This will place all the interfaces into access mode on the same vlan and allow all devices connected to see each other testing basic operation.

    on CLI


    load factory-default

    set system root-authentication plain-text-password


    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)