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  • 1.  EVPN MPLS Confusion

    Posted 10 days ago

    Looking for recommendations on which EVPN instance type I should be considering. 

    I'm supporting the build-out of an SR-MPLS network and we have decided to move to EVPN for customer layer2 E-line and E-Lan requirements. We are excited about using EVPN because we can support active-active multi-homed customers. 

    I'm a little overwhelmed with the number of ways Juniper offers to configure EVPN MPLS. I went and took the Juniper layer 2 VPNs class thinking it would give me more clear direction. After taking the course, I was under the impression that virtual-switch was a good way to go because it would give us a single way to configure our customer instances since it can support 1 to many VLANs per instance and it can support e-Line pt-to-pt or e-LAN any-to-any connectivity. Then at the end of the course they recommend your read-up and learn about instance type evpn-vpws. After reading RFCs and what I could find on Juniper's web site that sounded like a good solution for E-LINE circuits, but it will not support any-to-any. After further digging on Juniper's site, I then learned of another instance type mac-vrf. It then seemed like Juniper was saying this was the way to go because it better adhered to RFC 7432. 

    I would welcome feedback from the community on which instance-type we should use for EVPN MPLS solutions. Ideally, we could use one instance type so our engineers wouldn't be as confused, and it could possibly make automation easier with a single type.

    rick@mx# set routing-instances EVPN-TEST-1 instance-type ?

    Possible completions:

      evpn                 EVPN routing instance

      evpn-vpws            EVPN VPWS routing instance

      mac-vrf              MAC-VRF routing instance

     virtual-switch       Virtual switch routing instance

    Fredrick Lowery