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  • 1.  ESI LAG in EVPN

    Posted 12-03-2024 10:03

    Hi All,

    I find the command or document for configure ESI-LAG in EVPN ERB.  I found  the url in below but I still confuse. Please help me.


  • 2.  RE: ESI LAG in EVPN

    Posted 12-08-2024 19:49

    I think this is the traditional documentation example you are looking for.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: ESI LAG in EVPN

    Posted 12-14-2024 13:53
    Edited by jsullivan 12-15-2024 23:37

    The syntax will depend on the actual device you are running, but it is similar to how you would configure LACP but with a few additional commands.  Mainly:

    • configuring a matching ESI on each device, a 10 octet integer that identifies the ES segment
    • the single-active or all-active knob 
    • configuring a matching system-id which is advertised to the downstream peer.  To the downstream peer, it will look the same as if it is a traditional LAG to the same device

    Also, each member learns about the other VTEPs through the Type 4 routes that are exchanged between members of the ESI since they share the ES import community.  From there, they undergo what's called a "Modulo" based election process to determine who is the Designated Forwarder on the segment so that the end host doesn't receive duplicate packets from another site.  Although you can manually select which PE you want to be the forwarder with the "preference" knob.