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  • 1.  Dynamic-Tunnel LSP w/fast-reroute

    Posted 09-21-2023 15:09


    I'm using a template for dynamic-tunnel (here is the template):

    label-switched-path lsp-template-ad-frr {

    And here is the use of that template under routing-options:

    dynamic-tunnels {
        from-ROUTER-A {
            rsvp-te rsvp-dt {
                label-switched-path-template {
                destination-networks {

    This works well, and the LSP's that are built have fast-reroute and do switchover quickly in the event of an outage.

    However, they never revert to their previous state on their own.  These are very simple, and just follow the IGP's best path.  If I clear the LSP, even with the optimize flag like this:

    clear mpls lsp optimize name

    It will immediately switch back to the best and expected path.  If I look at the tunnel, it shows a SmartOptimizeTimer of 180:

    *Primary                    State: Up
        Priorities: 7 0
        SmartOptimizeTimer: 180

    So, to my question. Is there a way to enable this template/LSP(s) to automatically optimize themselves, or revert to the best path without manual intervention? In the past I've manually built primary and backup paths, and used the standby knob - and that has reverted as expected aftera period of time.

    Any input is appreciated.


    (p.s. I've got this same config on Junos ACX's, MX's, as well as EVO devices, and they all act the same)

  • 2.  RE: Dynamic-Tunnel LSP w/fast-reroute

    Posted 09-21-2023 20:12

    I believe you need to add the protection revert timer to the configuration as outlined here.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)