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df-election-granularity per-esi lacp-oos-on-ndf

  • 1.  df-election-granularity per-esi lacp-oos-on-ndf

    Posted 10-17-2024 11:28

    Hello Experts,

    According to the article below, when lacp-oos-on-ndf is enabled,  the PE should send LACP out-of-sync packets to CE. However, the PE is not sending LACP out-of-sync packets. Do I need to configure anything else to send LACP out-of-sync packets to CE? I am using Junos EVO. Thank you in advance. 


    Juniper remove preview
    Configure the designated forwarder (DF) election granularity per member link for an aggregated Ethernet interface in an EVPN multihoming configuration.
    View this on Juniper >

    My config:

    root@PE4> show configuration | display set | match esi
    set interfaces ae1 esi 00:11:11:11:11:11:12:12:12:12
    set interfaces ae1 esi single-active
    set interfaces ae1 esi df-election-granularity per-esi lacp-oos-on-ndf

    root@PE4> show version
    Hostname: PE4
    Model: ptx10001-36mr
    Junos: 23.2R2.21-EVO


    Ahsan Khan