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  • 1.  BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 10-02-2024 21:52

    Hi all,

    Can someone advise me the station-address "ip-address" refer to which ip? Is it the flow server or router itself? Lets say i just have 2 border-router/igw only? Appreciate any advise.

    routing-options {
        bmp {
            connection-mode active;
            station-address; ----->
            station-port 10179;
            station collector;
            hold-down 30 flaps 10 period 30;
            route-monitoring post-policy;
            monitor enable;

  • 2.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 10-03-2024 19:14

    The station is the monitoring remote server.  See this note in the documentation.

    The monitoring application is called the BMP monitoring station or BMP station. 

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 30 days ago

    Hi Spuluka,

    When u said "monitoring remote server" means the flow-server ip address right?

    Thanks and appreciate your confirmation.

  • 4.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 30 days ago

    Yes, you set the ip address of the flow-server using station-address.

    You can set the ip address of the MX to use for the connection with local-address.  This is optional but recommended since the MX has a default selection choice that can be wonky at times so choosing which interface you want directly is better in my opinion.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 5.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 26 days ago

    Hi @spuluka,

    I have additional question. Do u think if i configure this BMP it will make any current BGP flap?

    Thanks and appreciate your feedback

  • 6.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 25 days ago

    I don't expect monitoring settings to bounce peers and there is no indication in the documentation that it does.

    Anything that changes interface status or major settings on specific peerings do bounce the peer.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 7.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 25 days ago

    Hi Spuluka,

    Noted. Thanks for your feedback

  • 8.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 24 days ago

    Hi @spuluka,

    Sorry, I have additional question. If i'm using routing-instace instance-type virtual router so the configuration "BMP" should have be done in the routing-instance itself right? not global routing correct?

    Thanks and appreciate your feedback 

  • 9.  RE: BMP configuration on MX204?

    Posted 24 days ago

    The BMP should be setup from the best routing table to reach that server.  A fuller description of the choices for where to send BMP from is outlined in this section of the documentation.  Originally BMP could only be sent from the default routing instance to the server.  Later using the mgmt instance as added and now any virtual router instance can be the source.  So choose the routing instance that has the best and most secure access to the BMP server as the sending point.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)