Thanks for the reply, we were able to get it working both ways. In the first one we need to import the inet.0 in the inet6.3 and inet6.0 and in the second one we did not requerie to put the inet6.3 in the resolution rib, but as you said we need to put ::ffff: in the inet6 table.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-03-2024 04:39
From: alin_bandiu
Subject: BGP bgp.l3vpn-inet6. optimal route reflection ORR problems
What ipv6-tunnelling does is copy all routes from inet.3 table in inet6.3 table in an IPV6 format. In your case, is present in inet.3 table and copied as ::ffff: in inet6.3 table.
When you delete this knob, you no longer have an IPv6 route in inet6.3 table, and you cannot resolve the NH.
You can get around this by configuring :
routing-options {
rib inet6.3 static route 0::0/0 discard;
resolution {
rib bgp.l3vpn-inet6.0 {
resolution-ribs [ inet6.3 inet.6 ]; <--- BUT in this case the ::ffff: needs to be present in inet6 table.
Bandiu Alin-Filip-Gabriel
Original Message:
Sent: 09-02-2024 11:51
Subject: BGP bgp.l3vpn-inet6. optimal route reflection ORR problems
I work on a network with BGP MPLS VPNL3 implemented, with MX10003, MX10008 and PTX routers. We acquired Juniper vRR route reflectors to use, as part of the design we made, we want to use Optimal Route Reflection (ORR). For the correct operation of the bgp vpnv4 routes we configured the rib resolution for the bgp.l3vpn.0 table to be done through inet.0 and not through inet.3 and ORR is working as expected.
We are trying this in a lab, and we have problems with the vpnv6 routes, I understand that for it to work it is necessary to turn off ipv6-tunneling but it has not worked since although the ORR resolves the netx-hop well, the routes go to hidden.
I would appreciate if someone could help me with this problem since my company acquired the vRR and I need to make the ORR work as soon as possible.
With ipv6-tunneling the next hop is chosen without using orr (next hop ::ffff:
juniper@vrr2# ...2 rd-prefix 65000:1:3000:2:1:1::/64 detail
bgp.l3vpn-inet6.0: 240000 destinations, 480000 routes (240000 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* 65000:1:3000:2:1:1::/64 (2 entries, 0 announced)
BGP group br-2 type Internal
Route Distinguisher: 65000:1
VPN Label: 20
Nexthop: ::ffff:
Localpref: 0
AS path: [65000] I
Communities: target:1:1 target:100:1
Cluster ID:
Originator ID:
After deleting ipv6-tunneling the routes become hidden since the next hop is not resolved, but the next hop is resolved according to orr ::ffff:
juniper@vrr2# delete protocols mpls ipv6-tunneling
juniper@vrr2# commit
commit complete
juniper@vrr2# run show route table bgp.l3vpn-inet6.0 hidden extensive
bgp.l3vpn-inet6.0: 240000 destinations, 480000 routes (0 active, 0 holddown, 480000 hidden)
65000:1:3000:2:1:1::/64 (2 entries, 0 announced)
BGP Preference: 170/-1
Route Distinguisher: 65000:1
Next hop type: Unusable, Next hop index: 0
Address: 0x1db848dc
Next-hop reference count: 60048
Kernel Table Id: 0
State: <Hidden Int Ext ProtectionPath ProtectionCand>
Local AS: 65000 Peer AS: 65000
Age: 1:46
Validation State: unverified
Task: BGP_65000.
AS path: I
Communities: target:1:1 target:100:1
VPN Label: 16
Localpref: 0
Router ID:
Thread: junos-bgpshard5
Indirect next hops: 1
Protocol next hop: ::ffff: ResolvState: PnhUnresolv
Label operation: Push 16
Label TTL action: prop-ttl
Load balance label: Label 16: None;
Indirect next hop: 0x0 - INH Session ID: 0
juniper@vrr2# show routing-options
resolution {
rib bgp.l3vpn.0 {
resolution-ribs inet.0;
autonomous-system 65000;