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  • 1.  Automatically add and commit config to GIT

    Posted 07-08-2019 15:44
    Im new to 128T.
    I like this SW, its great.
    One practical question, how can I automatically add and commit any config changes on the conductor to a remote GIT repository?

    I need the xml and also the plain text config files!

    I read, that it is shown how possible in Linux to monitor a dircectory and then run a script, but Im a network engineer, not a programmer.

    Can someone show me, how to do this?
    thanks a lot

    Marcel Reuter
    Network Eng.

  • 2.  RE: Automatically add and commit config to GIT

    Posted 22 days ago

    Did you ever happen to find a solution for this?


  • 3.  RE: Automatically add and commit config to GIT

    Posted 21 days ago
    As far as I know, no general SSR Data Center VDG has been published, but case by case they have been made. (I'm working with my own)
    The central question is, is SRX (NGFW) needed for the data center and if so, why and why? 
    1. SSR doesn't have AntiSPAM, but eMail and antispamn has mostly moved to the cloud. (M365, Google)
    2. DDoS and higher need for sessions? They too have mostly been moved to the cloud because mitigation scalability
    3. SSL/TLS decryption? Very few implement this feature and it is only one of the ninety encrypted protocols. There are better solutions than NGFW in case decryption needed. (AI/ML threat detection without decryption is not very relevant as you can see many real attack recently)
    4. Remote access? Possibly, but it depends on how good access profile management SSR can be found.

    Hannu Rokka
    Senior Advisor (DataCom)