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  • 1.  After commit dropped to shell with error: session failure: unexpected termination

    Posted 03-20-2015 08:47



    Whenever i commit on the EX4200 i am throw back to shell with following commands:


    root# commit synchronize force

    error: session failure: unexpected termination
    error: remote side unexpectedly closed connection


    After log in getting:


    # cli
    warning: This chassis is operating in a non-master role as part of a virtual-chassis (VC) system.
    warning: Use of interactive commands should be limited to debugging and VC Port operations.
    warning: Full CLI access is provided by the Virtual Chassis Master (VC-M) chassis.
    warning: The VC-M can be identified through the show virtual-chassis status command executed at this console.
    warning: Please logout and log into the VC-M to use CLI.
    root> configure
    Entering configuration mode
    Users currently editing the configuration:
    root terminal /de (pid 483) on since 2013-09-21 01:47:08 UTC, idle 00:04:29
    root terminal /de (pid 481) on since 2013-09-21 01:45:35 UTC, idle 00:07:47
    The configuration has been changed but not committed



    How can i recover it from this?


    This is standalone switch..




    Lukasz Galej,



  • 2.  RE: After commit dropped to shell with error: session failure: unexpected termination

    Posted 03-22-2015 06:33

    I would first make sure that there aren't any remaining virtual-chassis configuration statements in the configuration.  If there are, delete them and try to commit again.  If that didn't work, I would save off any configuration that you need, and run the command "request system zeroize" and let the box reboot to see if it still comes up as a linecard.  I would also check to see what ports are setup as vc-ports with the "show virtual-chassis vc-port" command, deleting any ports that you do not want configured as VC (request virtual-chassis vc-port delete).



  • 3.  RE: After commit dropped to shell with error: session failure: unexpected termination

    Posted 03-22-2015 08:59

    Use these commands to see what Virtual chassis configuration is on the switch that needs to be removed.


    show virtual-chassis 
    show virtual-chassis vc-port



  • 4.  RE: After commit dropped to shell with error: session failure: unexpected termination
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-23-2015 08:20



    Thank you for all replies, non of the commands that you have provided worked, what i mean there was nothing to display after typeing for example:

    show virtual-chassis 

     , i end up rebooting switch. After switche comes back all was working again. I have upgraded the os and all is good now. 

    Thank you.