Sorry, forgot to mention, there already is a querier on the network. Love the photo BTW. Snooping works fine within an FPC, chassis isn't forwarding from one member to another.
Mario Eirea
Original Message:
Sent: 02-05-2025 07:32
From: Olivier Benghozi
Subject: 4300-48MP Virtual Chassis Multicast Issue
igmp-snooping being not really expected to do the job without an IGMP querier in the LANs where it's activate (or multicast router acting as IGMP querier), maybe you could try with ?
Olivier Benghozi
Original Message:
Sent: 02-03-2025 19:59
From: Mario Eirea
Subject: 4300-48MP Virtual Chassis Multicast Issue
Greetings everyone,
Experiencing an issue with 4300-48MP. Looks like when IGMP-Snooping is enabled, multicast traffics does not transit the VCP interfaces. Multicast traffic seems to be contained to the individual FPC.
Very simple config running firmware: 23.4R2S3
igmp-snooping { vlan all; }
Targeting a specific vlan does not seem to make a difference. Has anyone else seen this behavior?
Turning off snooping allows traffic to pass as expected.
Also an this issue on firmware 21.4
Mario Eirea