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  • Thank you. There is a lot of suggestions on how to do this switch recovery. A lot say create a MS-DOS USB (that never worked for me). But what you have listed worked the first time. thank you. This really should be listed somewhere on here as the ...

  • Hi ALL, I have two Point-2-Point ISP Connection between different location, at each location link is terminated on EX4400. While we configured trunk at both side and pass all vlans, my all vlans of one location is working fine at another location, ...

  • bonjour Michel, When you commit new configuration you will get message that you don't have license but configuration will be committed. After that everything will work. BR, ------------------------------ IHOR SHTANKO --------------- ...

  • merci beaucoup Harry, based on Ihor comment, I'll probably install a spare licence on the spare switch like you did. the goal is to minimize downtime and everybody understand there is a price to be paid for that. tthanks, Michel ------------------------------ ...

  • bonjour Ihor I stopped at commit check on the spare switch. since what I got was a warning and not a fail, it just may work . I am getting prices on a spare bgp licence to keep things simple and quick. thanks for the link, take care, Michel ...

  • Hi Michel, You can transfer license from one device to another one if your devices have 1, 3 or 5 year licences. You cannot transfer licence if it is perpetual. Self-service instructions on how to transfer a license: https://supportportal.juniper.net/s/article/Transfer-license-keys-to-an-RMA-replacement-device?language=en_US ...

  • Hi Michel, I'm not aware of anyway to migrate the license, we have a few EX4600s with the BGP advanced license so we bought a BGP license for our spare one, luckily we have not needed to use it but it is always ready to go if we needed it to. ------------------------------ ...


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    The Juniper Support Portal (JSP) Mobile App is now available for customer use on iOS platforms. The app is designed to provide mobile access for on-the-go service support. 

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