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  • Elevate Community & Juniper Customers: Here at Juniper, we recognize upgrading your SRX can be a challenging and delicate process. For this reason, we developed the SRX Upgrade Guide documentation to assist you. This guide has you covered from what ...

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  • I checked out videos and docs on the Juniper support site and came up with these settings. ( Hiding the real IPs ) set firewall filter Rims_Filter term 1 from source-address set firewall filter Rims_Filter term 1 from destination-address ...

  • If proxy arp is setup for that ip address this might occur, but from your description that probably is not the case. The other possibility is that the ip address is in the same vlan as the fxp0.0 interface and the interface is responding with flooding ...

  • Hello folks, I see on my srxk5 rel21.2r3 that FXP0.0 is sending out ARP request for some not-used (not added in the configuration) IP addresses. Is that expected? Is there any way to deeply check this? Many thanks for your help

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    RE: reboot reason

    You can check the log messages right before the reboot to look for potential reasons. The process is outlined in this kb article. ...

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    STRM root password reset

    Hi All, I cant seem to factory reset my STRM unit. I forgot the root password and now I seem euchred. I have tried the following 1. Factory re-install options from boot loader - These result in a Cant find 700/ks.cfg_ bootstart ...

  • hello team, I configured simply setup P2P VPN with pre-shared keys beetween two vSRX, however ike security-associations not coming up. could You help? for simplicity of trabelshooting, I allowed all traffic at zone level and interface level: here ...

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