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    RE: MSMPC on vMX 23.2

    We dropped trying to support a virtual MS PIC awhile back, mostly because there wasn't enough commercial interest (ie, $$) and the performance goals were getting tough to meet. ------------------------------ Art Stine Virtualization/Kernel team --- ...

  • 18.4 VMX is not available for download, but many releases up to 23.2 (when it was EOLd) are available for download. For EVE-NG, you'd need the KVM packages. ------------------------------ ArtStine Virtualization/Kernel team --------------------- ...

  • Sorry, the MX series is just a router and does not have the ability for stateful firewall. You need the SRX series devices for this feature with vSRX being the virtual one. ------------------------------ Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador IP ...

  • Is it possible to configure a stateful firewall on a vMX? If so, can someone post the configuration needed? thanks ------------------------------ GARY RUBEL ------------------------------

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    Traffic Migration

    Hi All, Happy new year to all . I have a query regarding replacing MPC7E to MPC10E and also it's SCB2E to SCB3E in MX960. With respect to configuration wise kindly suggest some resource or configuration example how it can be done. I appreciate ...

  • Hello. I am trying to get some Juniper images uploaded to EVE-NG and GNS3. According to EVE-NG, these are the images I need: vMX 18.4R1.8-VCP Juniper vMX 18.4R1.8-VFP VPCS Host Juniper vSRX 3.0 – 20.2R1.10 I don't know if uploading ...

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    MSMPC on vMX 23.2

    Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to create an MS-MPC on a vMX. I found this snipet below and the vMX does come up with a MSMPC, however the ge interfaces on fpc0 do not come up with the addition of the "pic-name". There is also no ms interface ...

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