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Hi Gordon, Is it means u use vBNG license for vMX in vJunosRouter correct? and its work? Thanks
I have an update from my side as well. With the help of my SE, I was able to procure various trial licenses for vMX and vBNG in order to test BNG functionality on vJunos-router. Sadly, we couldn't find any license that actually made the BNG functionality ...
Hi @Art Stine , May i know whether any update regarding this trial license? Hopefully it just capping the bandwidth only not trial license 3 month like vMX. Thanks
Could you please provide an update on the status of license? ------------------------------ ATSU ------------------------------
Hi William Mock, I have just encountered the same issue. Did you get the credentials to login into Apstra Jlabs? ------------------------------ WAN ZHAFRI WAN AHMAD KAMAL ------------------------------
Hi! I don't see MAC address in any of the PEs. ------------------------------ SAMUEL RIVERA ------------------------------
What do you see in the vpls tables? show vpls mac-table ------------------------------ Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired) http://puluka.com/home ----------- ...