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  • Hi! Output drops generally occur if the uplink is faster than the problematic interface or you have multiple uplinks of the same capacity (multiple 1 G to a single 1 G). This is called rate conversion. The higher the rate conversion factor, the more ...

  • Sorry, forgot to mention, there already is a querier on the network. Love the photo BTW. Snooping works fine within an FPC, chassis isn't forwarding from one member to another. ------------------------------ Mario Eirea ---------------------------- ...

  • Hi Tomas, Can you please advise if you have found some solution for this problem? Would be much appreciated if you can share how (if) you fixed the issue. BR, Andrei ------------------------------ Andrei Cebotareanu ------------------------- ...

  • igmp-snooping being not really expected to do the job without an IGMP querier in the LANs where it's activate (or multicast router acting as IGMP querier), maybe you could try with ? ------------------------------ Olivier Benghozi ----------------- ...

  • Can you check to see if that port has link on the switch? Could be a bad port on the phone. ------------------------------ Mario Eirea ------------------------------

  • Greetings everyone, Experiencing an issue with 4300-48MP. Looks like when IGMP-Snooping is enabled, multicast traffics does not transit the VCP interfaces. Multicast traffic seems to be contained to the individual FPC. Very simple config running ...

  • Hello, this one has me completely stumped. I've got two QFX5120 switches in a VC that I am trying to connect to a Cisco 2350 (I know, old...) switch with a 10g port channel. I'm using mostly fs.com optics on the Juniper, and fs and Cisco on the Cisco ...


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    The Juniper Support Portal (JSP) Mobile App is now available for customer use on iOS platforms. The app is designed to provide mobile access for on-the-go service support. 

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