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  • I just found this repository and used the assignment script to move 3500 devices to 40 locations in about 30 minutes. Worked flawlessly. https://github.com/tmunzer/mist_library/blob/master/scripts/orgs/inventory_assign.py Going to try this rename ...

  • Yes, looks like it has progressed. It looks like the script could have been updated a little more to handle a situation such as when the ap isn't part of the site, rather than throwing a KeyError. But that's just a cosmetic issue. I'll probably ...

  • Thank you. See if they can modify the script to rename and move to a site in one shot or create a second example script to move APs from org inventory to site inventory. ------------------------------ CHRISTOPHER HIATT ------------------------ ...

  • I manage the doc team. We'll get the python script corrected and re-posted as soon as possible. Apologies for the inaccuracy. Thanks --Pete Pete Robbins Senior Manager, Product Adoption Content and Education ...

  • The example code on the Juniper website is incorrect. I've raised this with the doc team and hopefully they will be able to update the code example with something that is accurate. At a guess, I would say that the definition for retreive_ap_mac_list() ...

  • Thanks for the tip. Added needed libraries and got new error. I think a good error. The AP I used to test isn't actually in the site I tested against so this looks like the correct result. I'm about to move 50 devices and will test on a device in the ...

  • Line 11 is referencing the import clauses, so you would need to ensure that you have the necessary Python libraries installed. For example: import requests Would mean that you should have the requests library installed. You can check using the ...

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