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Michael - ya so here is the workaround for the timebeing until we make this integrated into the image: on Junos: request system power-off then on the hypervisor (kvm/qemu) you can do a 'system-poweroff' to power down the rest of it. The disk ...
When the platform is using the vmhost for Junos, the commands are modified using request vmhost followed by the specific action instead. For example: request vmhost power-off The fuller listing is on this page. https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/junos/cli-reference/topics/ref/command/request-vmhost-power-off.html ...
Has any movement been made to correct this behavior? Any work-around procedure to use in the meantime? ------------------------------ MICHAEL DOUGLAS ------------------------------
Hi Gordon, Is it means u use vBNG license for vMX in vJunosRouter correct? and its work? Thanks
I have an update from my side as well. With the help of my SE, I was able to procure various trial licenses for vMX and vBNG in order to test BNG functionality on vJunos-router. Sadly, we couldn't find any license that actually made the BNG functionality ...
Hi @Art Stine , May i know whether any update regarding this trial license? Hopefully it just capping the bandwidth only not trial license 3 month like vMX. Thanks
Could you please provide an update on the status of license? ------------------------------ ATSU ------------------------------