I'm learning automation, I've set myself the goal of creating a Python script that will take a list of IP addresses and workout out what firewalls zones they are in.
( quite frankly something that should be built into the Junos CLI !! )
Input IPADDRESS >> determine interface > Determine ZONE > Output ZONE
What I want to do is really very simple but I'm getting buried in the detail in books, now i fear I cannot see the "wood for the trees" as a test I have this code
def findinterface(IPADDRESS):
print(etree.tostring(dev.rpc.get_route_information(destination=''), encoding='unicode'))
My question is very simple
this is the output how can I isolate
so interface=ge-0/0/0.0 something like that
How can I in simplest terms pick out the individual data elements I'm interested in ?
I'm really not a programmer so after the simplest most readable solutions.
<route-information xmlns="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/12.1X44/junos-routing" xmlns:junos="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/12.1X44/junos" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"><route-table><table-name>inet.0</table-name>
<rt style="brief"><rt-destination></rt-destination>
<age seconds="4375755">7w1d 15:29:15</age>
Thanks in advance
Simon Bingham
Simon Bingham