
What URL should I use to access the Junos Space UI?

By Erdem posted 03-14-2016 15:39



What URL should I use to access the Junos Space UI?


The Junos Space software supports only HTTPS.


Access the Junos Space UI through the URL https://virtual-IP, where virtual-IP is the Virtual IP address assigned to the Junos Space fabric. This IP address is assigned to the eth0:0 interface on the fabric node that hosts the active load balancer.


WARNING: To avoid a BEAST TLS 1.0 attack, whenever you log in to Junos Space through a browser tab or window, make sure that the tab or window was not previously used to access a non-HTTPS website. We recommend that you close your browser and relaunch it before logging in to Junos Space.


For more information, click Junos Space User Interface Guide.